Blossom Hill is north of Lancaster City on 333 Delp Road between Fruitville Pike and Lititz Pike. Our main entrance and parking lot is behind the building. Get Directions.
What is Worship like?
Our worship service begins at 10:30 and includes singing (mostly from our hymnal), responsive readings, prayer and scripture reading, children’s time, a time of confession and assurance and a sermon or other sharing. An important part of our service is the Sharing Time which gives time for people to share their joys and concerns with the congregation for prayer. Services typically last about 60–75 minutes.
We celebrate communion 6 times a year. The invitation to the table is that all who love God and seek to follow Jesus are welcome to take communion. Typically people come forward and pull a piece of bread from the loaf, dip it in the grape juice, and eat it before returning to their seats. There are crackers and a blessing from a pastor available for the children.
Hearing assistance devices are available as needed as well as large print materials. Our building is one level and has a non-gender designated bathroom.

How do people dress on Sunday?
People come to Blossom Hill in a variety of dress. Some wear jeans and a t-shirt. Others dress more business casual. We encourage everyone to come as they are most comfortable.
Is Nursery Available?
A nursery for children ages birth to 4 is available during the worship service with fully staffed volunteers who are approved adults for working with children. We value our children and take child safety very seriously. There are two crib rooms for sleeping babies or nursing mothers who wish for more privacy. These are equipped with baby monitors.
Is there a Sunday School Program for children and adults?

Adults – There are generally one to two adult Sunday School classes that meet at 9:30. The topics for the class vary every 6-12 weeks. The class may do a book study, or use a curriculum on a variety of topics from social justice issues, to Bible Study, to Anabaptist theology.
Children – Sunday school is offered for children grades pre-k to grade 12. For ages 2 ½ -12 we use the Shine curriculum from MennoMedia. The high school youth use a variety of curriculums and study a variety of topics.